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Posts tagged ‘European Union’

Maintaining the 2 Degrees Target by Shifting Assumptions overarching target of international climate policy

After two weeks of largely fruitless climate negotiations at the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn/Germany, the world is one step closer to miss the overarching target of international climate policy: limiting the mean temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial… 2 degree rise, Carbon and De-carbonization, Climate, climate policy actors, Environment, Environmental Policy, European Union, International Climate Conferences, international climate policy, pre-industrial levels, Sustainability

“Companies are betting that government climate policies will fail” – The Economist “According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)

The reason fossil fuel firms are not trying to reduce their carbon emissions could be due to uncertainty on climate and energy policy, suggests the Economist in a recent editorial.
The paper cites cuts in renewable energy support schemes as one of the elements influencing investors…. climate and energy policy, European Union, government climate policies, International Energy Agency (IEA)

EU Solar Tariffs: Time for China to Address Concerns about the latest punitive tariffs for Chinese solar panels

I’ve been trying to avoid writing about the latest punitive tariffs for Chinese solar panels that look set to come from the European Union this week, since the story has dragged on for more than a year now and the outcome was almost inevitable. But that said, it would be a bit remiss of me not… Chinese solar panels, EU Solar Tariffs, European Union, latest punitive tariffs, Time for China, U.S. and EU investigations

EU eases Syria oil embargo crude and export oil production technology and investment cash to areas

The European Union offered fresh aid Monday to Syria’s opposition, easing an EU oil embargo in favour of the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad, but stopping short of supplying offensive weapons. In a new signal of support, EU foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg formally adopted… crude export oil production, EU oil embargo, European Union, import Syrian, technology and investment cash

Syria government decided exempts Iran fuel imports from tax

Syria’s government decided on Tuesday to issue an “exclusive” tax exemption on fuel imports from Iran until the end of June, state news agency SANA said. The cabinet decided “to issue an exclusive exemption on taxes and customs on oil, fuel and gas imports from Iran until…

Ukraine’s gas buys from Europe ‘fraudulent’, says Gazprom reverse shipments of Russian gas from the European market,

Ukraine is using a “fraudulent scheme” to carry out reverse shipments of Russian gas from the European market, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said late on Saturday, further raising tensions in a price dispute with Kiev.
Ukraine, a transit route for more than half of Russian gas shipped to…

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