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Posts tagged ‘Nuclear Energy’

Harming Humans by Reinforcing Nuclear Energy Fearmongering the Union of Concerned Scientists,

In making that statement, Lyman questioned the credibility of the film and insulted one of my frequent Atomic Show guests, who happens to be one of the most concerned human beings I know. According to a correction posted on his blog entry, Gwyneth Cravens has responded.
Gwyneth Cravens… documentary, Energy and Economy, Environment, Harming Humans, News, nuclear energy, Nuclear Energy Fearmongering, Nuclear Power, Union of Concerned Scientists

The Bigger Picture: Nuclear Energy vs. Fossil Fuels court ordered the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to perform long-term storage of spent fuel at plant sites

By Jim Hopf
As I discussed last fall, a federal appeals court ordered the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to perform more thorough evaluations in support of its new Waste Confidence Rule, particularly with respect to the potential impacts of long-term storage of spent fuel at plant sites. While… Carbon and De-carbonization, Energy, Energy Security, Environmental Policy, Fossil Fuels, Negligible risks impacts, nuclear energy, Nuclear Energy vs. Fossil Fuels, nuclear generation, Nuclear Power, Nuclear Regulatory Commissio, nuclear regulatory commission (nrc), Politics & Legislation, REAL environmental, Waste Confidence Evaluations

The Renewable Energy Reality clean and “free” energy for everyone forever?

Renewable energy is ideologically very attractive. After all, who would not want clean and “free” energy for everyone forever? Such ideological perfection can easily switch off the critical thinking of environmentally conscious individuals and this is exactly what we are seeing at… Carbon and De-carbonization, carbon capture and storage (ccs), Cleantech, Climate, climate change policy, energy for everyone forever, Environmental Policy, nuclear energy, Politics & Legislation, Renewables, Sustainability, The Renewable Energy Reality clean

The Cost of Wind Energy, Part I inspiration for “Nuclear Green” came from David Roberts on Grist cost of nuclear energy was significantly higher cost of renewable energy

I have said on numerous occasions that the inspiration for “Nuclear Green” came from David Roberts on Grist. Roberts maintained that the cost of nuclear energy was significantly higher than the cost of renewable energy. I decided to test Roberts’ claim by investigating the… cost of nuclear energy, Cost of Wind Energy, Efficiency, electricity generation, Energy and Economy, energy costs, Finance, higher cost, nuclear energy, Nuclear Green, Nuclear Power, renewable energy, Tech, Wind

Offshore Wind vs Nuclear Energy for Mid-Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC)

Introduction by Meredith Angwin
Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC) plans to enable the Atlantic Coast to use off-shore wind efficiently.  As their website says:
The Mid-Atlantic region offers more than 60,000 MW of offshore wind potential in the relatively shallow waters of the outer continental… Atlantic Wind Connection AWC, Efficiency, Electricity Grid, Energy and Economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy, Finance, nuclear energy, Nuclear Power, offshore wind, Offshore Wind vs Nuclear Energy, Tech, Utilities, Wind

Nuclear Energy Kills More Birds than Wind Energy? yin and yang of energy policy debates,

By Paul Lorenzini
In the yin and yang of energy policy debates, we know some can get carried away. Normally we ignore the radical fringe, but sometimes their claims take on a life of their own and need to be addressed. One such charge has found its way as an authoritative reference… Communications and Messaging, endangered species, Energy, energy policy debates, Environment, nuclear energy, Nuclear Power

Rising Natural Gas Prices Not Enough to Save Kewaunee’s Cheap Nuclear Energy

On May 7, 2013, the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Station is scheduled to stop generating emission free electricity for the last time. The plant is one of the better run and maintained facilities in the US, it has an operating license that is effective until December 2033, and it generates electricity… Carbon and De-carbonization, Cheap Nuclear Energy, Electricity, Energy and Economy, Finance, natural gas prices, nuclear energy, Nuclear Power

Learning From The German Transition To Renewable Energy replace fossil fuels with renewables faster than most countries

Germany is moving forward to replace fossil fuels with renewables faster than most countries. But there is always pushback, most recently in the form of much media discourse about rising electricity prices spearheaded by the Federal Minister of Environment Peter Altmaier. Like many politicians,…

Half-Hearted Nuclear Energy Cannot Continue, Leaders be “All In” April 2013 article written for Prospect Magazine titled Stumbling towards crisis

Dieter Helm has generously shared an April 2013 article written for Prospect Magazine titled Stumbling towards crisis. In that article Helm points to US energy decision making as a good example that serves as a contrast to UK energy policy making. He sees chosen path in the UK as almost…

The Limits of Biomass: the 3.2 GW Hinkley C nuclear power station, UK Energy Needs

A simple thought experiment. What if instead of building the 3.2 GW Hinkley C nuclear power station, the UK built a biomass plant instead? We would need to do two things: build the power plant and gather up the biomass for the plant. The first is not a major problem. Land requirements for a…

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