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Posts tagged ‘environmentalists’

the Breakthrough Institute (BTI) – Why The Hot Air?

I’ve recently stumbled upon a number of articles by the Breakthrough Institute (BTI) that aimed at discrediting renewable energy on the one hand and on the other preaching about nuclear energy as the solution for the global energy crisis of the 21st century. With their hearts and minds… Breakthrough Institute (BTI), Energiewende, energy transition, environmentalists

Republicans see IRS scandal parallel in EPA info requests U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican lawmakers on Friday began an investigation into whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency greatly favored left-leaning environmentalists overconservative groups when granting fee waivers for requests to access information.
The lawmakers drew a… Darrell Issa of California, environmentalists, EPA requests, IRS scandal parallel, overconservative groups, Republicans, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Conn. Energy Rules Spark Clash With Green Groups Democratic administration and environmentalists

Energy policies in Connecticut that are designed to promote multiple, competing sources of energy in a bid to drive down energy costs have set the Democratic administration and environmentalists – a traditionally Democratic support bloc – at loggerheads, reports the Associated Press.
Gov…. Democratic administration, Department of Energy, Energy Rules Spark Clash, environment agency, Environmental Protection, environmentalists, Green Groups

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