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Posts tagged ‘financial crisis’

RBS shares down on political interference fears as Hester quits

RBS has seen its share price fall amid speculation of political influence in Stephen Hester’s departure.
But when asked if there was pressure put on Mr Hester to leave by the prime minister or chancellor, David Cameron’s official spokesman said: “I wouldn’t put it in… financial crisis, political influence, share price fall

What Would it Take to Get to a Steady State Economy? Humans live in equilibrium with other species in a finite world

Humans live in equilibrium with other species in a finite world. In such a world, there is never really a Steady State. Instead, there is a constant ebb and flow.  One species may be dominant in an area for a while, and then another. If populations are closely matched in “ability,” then… CO2 Emissions, Energy and Economy, Environment, Finance, financial crisis, Oil, Oil prices, population growth, Public Health, Sustainability, Water

EU Parliament Voted No, So Now What for the Emissions Trading System? the Parliament also voted against the outright rejection of the proposal,

As is well known by now, the EU MEPs voted against the specific backloading proposal that was put before the Parliament. However, the Parliament also voted against the outright rejection of the proposal, which means that the Parliament formally has no position on backloading, possibly leaving… Cap-and-Trade, Carbon and De-carbonization, Climate, climate change policy, Environmental Policy, European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), financial crisis, Politics & Legislation

Climate Change and the Peak Oil Flip-Flop Peak Oil Question Remains, Debate Continues

There’s a new twist in the “peak oil” debate. Is it good news for the climate?
Peak Oil Question Remains, Debate Continues
Ever since M. King Hubbert advanced the theory of peak oil in 1956, experts and non-experts alike have been debating about timing and relevance…. Climate, climate change, Energy and Economy, Energy Information Administration (EIA), Finance, financial crisis, hydrocarbons, Oil, Oil Prices Rise, Oil Production Responds, peak oil, Sustainability, U.S.

How Oil Exporters Reach Financial Collapse I explained how high oil prices can bring on financial collapse for oil importers

Recently, I explained how high oil prices can bring on financial collapse for oil importers. In this post, I’ll discuss the flip side of the situation: how oil exporters reach financial collapse.
Unfortunately, we have many examples of countries that were oil exporters, but are dealing with… Agriculture, Egypt, Energy and Economy, Energy Security, Finance, financial collapse, financial crisis, food prices, Former Soviet Union (FSU), low oil prices, Oil, oil exporters reach, oil exports, Risk Management, Syria, Yemen

How Resource Limits Lead to Financial Collapse Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI)

Resource limits are invisible, so most people don’t realize that we could possibility be approaching them. In fact, my analysis indicates resource limits are really financial limits, and in fact, we seem to be approaching those limits right now.
Many analysts discussing resource limits are…

German Solar Gains from Cyprus Crisis as Investors Seek Safety the guaranteed returns provided by clean-energy plants.

BERLIN – Germany’s solar industry is set to benefit from the financial crisis in Cyprus as investors seek a haven in the guaranteed returns provided by clean-energy plants.

Milk the Sun GmbH, a Berlin-based company that links buyers and sellers of solar projects, had the most…

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