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Posts tagged ‘Climate’

Climate Change and Keystone XL: The Numbers Behind the Debate refineries and markets of the American Gulf Coast,

Keystone XL, the proposed oil pipeline connecting Canada’s Alberta tar sands region to the refineries and markets of the American Gulf Coast, has become the front lines in the battle between climate campaigners and the fossil fuel industry.
The pipeline would carry up to 830,000 barrels per… American Gulf Coast, Carbon and De-carbonization, Climate, climate change, Debate refineries and markets, Energy, Energy and Economy, energy facts, Environment, Environmental Policy, environmentally destructive crude, Keystone XL, Numbers Behind, Oil, Oil Change International, Politics & Legislation, tar sands, world’s dirtiest

The Irrelevance of Climate Change Skeptics Martin Wolf of the Financial Times announced that the “climate skeptics have won

Earlier this week, Martin Wolf of the Financial Times announced that the “climate skeptics have won.”His comments echo those of former Nasa scientist James Hansen who told an audience in Edinburgh last year that the skeptics “have been winning the public debate with the help… Carbon and De-carbonization, carbon emissions, Climate, climate change skeptics, Communications and Messaging, Energy and Economy, Environment, Politics & Legislation, public attitudes

Ernest Moniz on Natural Gas and “Forgotten Renewables”

In a town hall meeting with staffers last week, new Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz dropped a bombshell and a hint. The bombshell, at least as far as fans of natural gas are concerned, is that Moniz sees natural gas not as a permanent fixture in the U.S. energy landscape but merely as a temporary… Carbon and De-carbonization, Cleantech, Climate, Energy and Economy, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, Energy Security, Environmental Policy, Ernest Moniz, Forgotten Renewables, Fossil Fuel Transportation, Geothermal Energy, Hydro Power, National Energy Policy, natural gas, Obama energy policy, Renewables

EU Biofuels and Indirect Land Use Change Proposal (ILUC)[VIDEO]

Peter O’Donnell, European Affairs journalist for viEUws – the EU Policy Broadcaster, is joined by Tom Hanney, Irish Ambassador to the EU, to discuss the Indirect Land Use Change Proposal (ILUC).
In the Environment Council, there are very divergent views concerning ILUC, especially… (ILUC), Agriculture, Biofuels, biofuels production, Cap-and-Trade, Carbon and De-carbonization, Cleantech, Climate, Efficiency, Energy and Economy, Energy Security, Environmental Policy, eu, Indirect Land Use Change Proposal, Politics & Legislation, Renewables

Define “Significant” Cleantech Investment and Deployment first “NextWave Greentech Investing”

First off, I’m very excited about a new conference Greentech Media and I are teaming up on. In Menlo Park in September, we’re going to host a crowd of limited partners, family offices, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other industry participants for the first “NextWave… Carbon and De-carbonization, clean energy innovation, Cleantech, Climate, Efficiency, Electricity, Energy and Economy, energy investment, Finance, Green Business, new conference Greentech Media, Renewables, technology deployment

Oil Limits and Climate Change (Peak Oil Demand is Already a Huge Problem),

They say that every cloud has a silver lining. If future energy consumption (which is mostly fossil fuel) drops because of a financial collapse brought on by high oil prices and other limits, then, at least in theory, climate change should be less of a problem.  One of the important variables… Carbon and De-carbonization, Climate, climate change, co2, Energy and Economy, energy consumption, Environment, Finance, future energy consumption, Oil, Oil prices, Risk Management

Renewable Energy and the Law of Receding Horizons build a 100% renewable energy society by 2050,

Many people believe that we can realistically build a 100% renewable energy society by 2050, thereby totally getting off fossil fuels in time to avoid the problems related to peak oil and climate change. This is certainly an extremely attractive ideal and, theoretically, it could be accomplished… 100% renewable energy, advanced energy storage, Biofuels, Carbon and De-carbonization, Climate, energy investment, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power, Politics & Legislation, Receding Horizons, renewable energy, Renewables, Storage

Offshore Drilling in Virginia Threatens Economy, Environment, and Naval Operations Research Associate for Ocean Policy at the Center for American

Shiva Polefka is a Research Associate for Ocean Policy at the Center for American Progress where Michael Conathan is the Director of Ocean Policy.

Fleet Composite Squadron 6 conducts boat operations off coast of Naval Station Norfolk, VA. (Credit: U.S. Navy)
Terry McAuliffe, Virginia’s… Center for American, Climate, Energy Security, Environment, Finance, Green Business, Naval Operations, Ocean Policy, Offshore Drilling in Virginia, offshore oil drilling, offshore wind, Oil, Politics & Legislation, Public Health, Research Associate, Risk Management, Threatens Economy, Virginia, Wind

Climate Change Policy: Should Ambition Always be First? EU international position on climate change

At an event in Brussels earlier this week the EU Commission shared some initial thinking with business and NGOs on the consultation they have launched with regards the EU international position on climate change as we head towards COP 21 in France in 2015 where a deal is targeted for agreement…. Cap-and-Trade, Carbon and De-carbonization, carbon capture and sequestration, Climate, climate change policy, Climate Conferences, Climate Environmental Policy, Energy and Economy, Environmental Policy, eu emission trading scheme, International Climate Conferences, Politics & Legislation

Clean Energy Deployment: Time to Reinforce Success deployment of new energy technologies,

An s-curve model for deployment of new energy technologies, which based its parameters on analysis of past rates of technology deployment, was published nearly four years ago [i].  It showed that new technologies typically start with a period of exponential growth, increasing by about an order… Clean Energy Deployment, Cleantech, Climate, deployment of new energy technologies, Efficiency, Energy and Economy, energy investment, Energy Policy, Finance, Nuclear Power, Politics & Legislation, Reinforce Success, Solar Power, technology deployment, Wind

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